Learn to Crochet Beginners August
Learn to Crochet Beginners August
1 Ticket left
Are you ready to master a hook and yarn?
Learn how to create Granny Squares in this beginner crochet lesson. You will be able to take home your own creation with hook and yarn to continue your crochet journey at home!
This class will of 10 participants will see you able to chat to your instructor, with one-on-one guidance when needed in this small group setting.
We'll go through all of the basic crochet stitches and I'll be there to answer any questions you have along the way.All equipment and materials are provided in for this class, so you don't need to bring anything except the desire to learn a new skill and have fun.
Your instructor is Susanna Harris, a Blue Mountains local, a teacher and mother of four young children. Her grandmother taught her to crochet as a child, and it is has been an incredibly rewarding hobby that has given her many opportunities throughout life's stages, from making friends handmade gifts, making her babies blankets while pregnant, making her children toys and clothes and accessories to their own very individual specifications. As a teacher, Susanna is very excited for the opportunity to pass on the ability to envision and create a myriad of crochet projects, to turn imagination into reality!
This beginners class is ideal if you are someone who wants to get involved with the TOTS Blanket Challenge thats run each year at The Creative Fringe. Many people get involved in either knitting, sewing up squares together or crocheting squares for the challenge.
Feel free to share this event with anyone you know that would like to be involved in our community challenge this year.
You are more than welcome to BYO favourite wine/bubbles or enjoy whilst you crochet away.
Coffee and tea available.
1 Ticket left