Another fabulous volunteer who sews these donated squares into beautiful blankets for our Think Outside The Square Blanket Challenge – we gave her a bag of 528 knitted squares – and she’s returned 6 incredible blankets… and she’s taken another whole bag!
Thank you Anne Forsyth for being so giving of your time.
A BIG shout out to this amazing lady Anne Forsyth who only dropped in last Thursday to collect some more knitted squares… she is already back here this morning with 3 gorgeous knitted blankets- all made over the weekend.
We love our amazing volunteers who support our Think Outside The Square challenge. We can’t do this with them
If you’d like to get involved, either knitting squares, or sewing them into blankets – please get in touch with us!
The success of our think outside the square blanket challenge lays with people just like Anne – so far this challenge Anne has sewn at least 10 blankets together from the squares that have been donated by others.
Every few days she comes in with the completed blankets and takes more squares.. without the volunteers like Anne, who knit, crochet and sew, we could not possibly donate the amount of blankets we do each year.. so to all of you – thank you